New Delhi: The renowned lawyer and former Attorney General of India, Mukul Rohatgi, has agreed to represent Gautam Adani and his nephew, Sagar Adani, in response to the recent bribery allegations tied to the US Department of Justice (DOJ). These claims state that the Adani Group paid around ₹2,029 crore (about USD 265 million) in bribes to Indian officials for solar energy contracts. However, both lawyers argue that the charges lack clear evidence and details.
During a press briefing, Rohatgi emphasized that neither Gautam nor Sagar Adani is named in the critical parts of the indictment, particularly those involving violations of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) or obstruction of justice. He said that the allegations are vague and lack the names of who allegedly received the bribes or how the bribes were given. “I can’t see a single name,” he said, suggesting the allegations are too unclear for the Adanis to respond properly.
The Adani Group has categorically denied any wrongdoing, stating they are not facing charges under the FCPA. The group, in an official statement, clarified that the charges they do face are in connection with securities fraud and wire fraud conspiracy, not bribery. The group also vowed to fight the claims in court, calling them baseless.
Jethmalani questioned the timing of the allegations, suggesting they might be politically motivated to distract from other issues. He accused opposition parties of using the allegations to score political points after losing recent elections. The indictment talks about a “conspiracy to bribe” instead of actual bribery, which he said is speculative and lacks solid proof.
The DOJ’s indictment mentions executives from Azure Power Global Ltd. and CDPQ being involved in bribery and obstructing justice, but Rohatgi clarified that no Adani officials are part of these accusations. The defense team believes this weakens the case against the Adani Group.
Both lawyers expressed confidence that the American legal experts would handle the case effectively. They emphasized that allegations are baseless and the Adani Group will fight them to clear their name, describing the situation as an unjust attempt to tarnish their reputation.