New Delhi: A tragic incident took place in Delhi, where Puneet Khurana, a businessman and co-founder of the popular Woodbox Cafe, reportedly took his own life amid a bitter divorce with his wife, Manika Jagdish Pahwa. The heartbreaking event happened on Tuesday evening in Kalyan Vihar, Model Town, where Puneet was found hanging at his home.
Puneet’s family has shared their concerns about the emotional stress he was going through because of the ongoing divorce. They revealed that just before the incident, Puneet had a phone call with his wife about their joint business. During the call, it’s alleged that Manika insisted she couldn’t let go of her involvement in the business despite the divorce. This conversation reportedly left Puneet deeply upset.
Adding to the tension, a 16-minute audio recording has surfaced, capturing a heated argument between the couple. In it, Manika can be heard saying that while they were divorcing, she was still a business partner and demanding her dues be settled. This recording sheds light on the strained relationship and the complications around their shared business.
The police have started an investigation into Puneet’s death. They’ve recovered his phone and called Manika for questioning to understand what led to this tragedy. Puneet and Manika were married in 2016, but their relationship had become rocky over time, eventually reaching this devastating point.
This case has reminded many of another recent incident in Bengaluru, where a techie’s suicide was linked to marital issues. These tragedies highlight the importance of addressing mental health struggles and offering better support for those dealing with such stress.
As the investigation unfolds, Puneet’s family and friends are mourning his loss and hoping for answers. They’ve asked for kindness and understanding during this painful time, as they try to come to terms with what happened.