The author, Dr. Manisha Singhal, is a Clinical Psychologist at Apollo 24|7.

Laughing at a popular sitcom or finding humour in bad puns, getting a good dose of laughter can do a whole lot of good for your overall well-being. Not only does laughter serve as a great way of bringing people together, but it also triggers healthy mental and physical changes in your body. Researchers have dedicated plenty of time and resources to studying laughter and its effects on the human body. Here are the top 10 benefits of laughter for your health. 

  1. Reduces Stress

When you are stressed, the body produces cortisol, a stress hormone that triggers a flight or fight response in times of crisis. However, an increase in cortisol production can harm the vital organs of your body. Laughing is a great way of regulating cortisol levels as it increases oxygen intake and stimulates body circulation. Some studies show that just the act of laughing, even without genuine humour, can have powerful stress-relieving effects. 

  1. Relieves Pain

Genuine laughter produces endorphins, which are the natural feel-good chemicals in the body. One of the major effects of this hormone is that it boosts your pain tolerance. Endorphins also increase your overall sense of well-being. Simply put, laughing relieves pain by making your body release its own natural painkillers. 

  1. Strengthens the immune system

Negative thoughts can trigger the release of toxic chemicals in the body, thereby putting more stress on the system and weakening your immunity. On the other hand, positive thoughts can help release anti-inflammatory proteins called neuropeptides, which help combat stress and other potentially serious illnesses. A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported that those who laugh frequently have an increased number of natural killer cells and T-cells, both of which strengthen your immune system. 

  1. Decreases Blood Pressure

People with lower blood pressure are at a lower risk for heart attack and stroke. A good laugh initially increases and then lowers your blood pressure and heart rate. It also helps your blood vessels to function better. 

  1. Increases the Chances of Pregnancy

A 2011 study showed that women undergoing in vitro fertilisation are 16% more likely to get pregnant when entertained by a clown as compared to those who don’t have a clown encounter. Many researchers believe that this happens because laughing reduces stress. 

  1. Improves Cardiac Health

A good, genuine laugh boosts oxygen in the bloodstream and increases the heart rate, thereby stimulating your heart. It also reduces arterial wall stiffness, which is often associated with cardiovascular diseases. Laughing boosts the function of your blood vessels, increasing blood flow and protecting you from heart attacks and other heart problems. 

  1. Uplifts Mood

Many individuals suffering from depression are often dealing with a chronic illness. Laughing can help reduce stress and anxiety by lightening the mood and reducing the release of stress hormones. It also boosts your self-esteem and makes it easier for you to cope with challenging circumstances.

  1. Relaxes the Body

Stress causes tension in the muscles. Laughing can help stimulate your blood circulation, allowing your muscles to relax. Laughing also reduces the physical symptoms of stress. Studies show that a good laugh can relax your muscles and remove extra stress for up to 45 minutes.  

  1. Burns Calories

While it’s not really a great replacement for working out, one study showed that laughing for just 10-15 minutes every day can burn nearly 40 calories by increasing the heart rate. Furthermore, this can help you lose approximately 2 kgs over a year. 

  1. Exercises Your Abs

One of the major benefits of laughing frequently is that it can help with toning the abs. When you laugh, the muscles in your stomach contract and expand just like they do when you intentionally work out your abs. 

With so many amazing benefits of laughter on your health, it’s about time you give more credit to your sense of humour and laugh more often.

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