New Delhi: One of the popular messaging app, WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will allow users to add music to their status updates. Sources have reported the update, which, while carrying the same main idea, also gives unique details regarding what to expect in each article. Let us break it down in simpler words.
What’s the new feature is all about?
This would enable users to add music tracks to their status updates and personalize them, hence making them quite interesting. It’s like creating a kind of soundtrack for the photos or videos before sharing with your contacts. This is kind of what already exists on other social media, but now the feature is being added to this messaging app too. The new feature is currently in the testing stage and hence it’s not possible for everyone. Beta users, the users who try out new features in the early stage, will try it first, and if all goes well, then it will be rolled out to all.
According to reports, users will have the option to select music from their phone’s library or choose from a list of songs provided by the app. You’ll also have the option to choose a part of the track you want to play with your status. So, before posting, you can even preview how it looks and sounds to make sure it’s just right. This makes the feature easy to use and allows customization of your status updates the way you like.
Why is this feature important?
The addition of music to status updates is such a big deal because it’s going to make the app much more engaging and fun to use. People enjoy sharing moments from their life, and adding music brings a whole new layer of feeling and creativity to those moments. In many ways, this move shows that the app is in keeping with what is expected from the user side regarding social platforms today. It also keeps the platform competitive, as these features are already available on other apps.
What’s new in the update
Some interesting detail remains that the music tracks would probably come from licensed platforms, which would mean a wide range of songs to choose from. This opens up enough options for users to match their mood or the theme of their current status. It will be available for Android and iOS devices, which means anyone with any phone can access it.
What is next?
Currently, the feature is in a testing phase where a limited number of beta users are interacting with it. Such is commonly done to ensure a bug-free launch, and, once testing is done and any bugs fixed, it gets rolled out for everyone. Smart practice for keeping the update bug-free and user-friendly.