New Delhi: The latest amongst the special seasons of Shark Tank India was aired on 08 December with the guest appearance from the founder of the healthcare app Nexera.Health, 19-year-old Himanshu Rajpurohit. Himanshu came to the show seeking ₹75 lakh investment in return for 1.5% share in his business. He had a great background of starting businesses at a young age but overconfidence and a big mistake on his app pitch made the sharks reject his deal.
Himanshu from Jaipur is an entrepreneur who began as early as 12 years old. Before deciding to create Nexera.Health, he had two other startups, which he had managed to sell. His current application is designed for corporate healthcare management, thus considering effectively preventive medicine and teleadvice. Taking cue from young entrepreneur Ritesh Agarwal who started OYO Rooms, Himanshu decided to transform the healthcare segment.
In the course of the pitch, Himanshu was portraying himself as a young and motivated genius. But the manner in which he presented his business proposition to the sharks was in a arrogance way and, as a result, he failed to competitively respond to the questions of the sharks on issues of competition or differentiation of his application from other similar applications. It went down when Kunal Bahl pointed at an error on the app and asked where was Himanshu when he knew that he had released the new version of this application just two days before the show’s recording.
Aman Gupta also echoed similar sentiments saying he was willing to fund young talent but could not under uncertainties brought about by the coronavirus. Namita Thapar also said no as she said there was nothing exclusive about the app, and she was not comfortable with how Himanshu approached competition. Though Ritesh Agarwal didn’t invest either, he appreciated Himanshu and wanted to guide him beyond the show.
And what happened when the episode aired? The internet erupted with anger for Himanshu’s blatant overconfidence.Viewers called the pitch “cringe-worthy” and said he seemed more focused on being seen as a prodigy than on taking the sharks’ feedback seriously.